S.S.CITIZEN School | General Rules

General Rules


  • The students must bring school diary every working day.
  • Go thought Diary daily. It is an excellent channel of communication.
  • The school uniform must be on all school days including saturdays.
  • Students are responsible for the care of their personal belongings like book, pen, lunch and boxes etc.
  • Schools ID cards are to be kept safely and worn to school everyday. No student shall leave the schoolpermisess during the working hours as and when they desire. In case of any necessity the parents/guardians should meet the principal with a written request and collect the child from the school.
  • While the school take every precaution to ensure the safety of its students within the school premises during school hours, the school authorities will not hold themselves reponsible for mishaps beyond their control.
  • Parents are requested to stict to the payment schedule and pay the fees on or before 10th of the given month.
    • l Term 10th April.
    • ll Term 10th July.
    • lll Term 10th October.
    • lV Term 10th January.
  • Fine will be levied for late fee.


  • The informal Education of a child begins in the Cradle” Home and school both contribute in their own way to the total personality development of the child. To achieve this goal, parent teacher cooperation is a pre-requisite. Our request to you is that as parents, you should keep in touch with the day to-day progress of the child. The remarks made by the teachers in the hand book should be noted. This practice of the parents will help the child do adopt desirable behaviour and healthy habits. Our aim is to train the students to prepare themselves to face adversities and convert failures into stepping stones for success. We count upon your unstinting co-operation in our tireless efforts. Our students of today will become the leaders of tomorrow. In this venture we take pride in molding the children from childhood and leading them to the pages of history.
  • Parents are expected to create a good learning situation to the extent possible at home in order to facilitate the quick completion of the home work assigned by the teachers .
  • Parents should guide their wards to cultivate regular study habits and make them learn TIME MANAGEMENT .
  • Children should be encouraged to speak in English at home as the medium of teaching in English is preferred while guiding your wards in doing his/her homework .
  • Kindly do not encourage the child to be absent from the school unless she/he is sick.
  • When the child is sick or detained at home for any reason, a leave application must be sent by the parents without delay.
  • In case the child needs leave for 3 days or more; a prior permission in writing must be taken from the principal.
  • In case of illness, a medical certificate must be enclosed along with the leave letter.
  • The Student must attend school on the first and last working day of every term, without fail.
  • Any change in the residential / office address and or telephone numbers should be communicated to the school office at the earliest.
  • Whenever the Central Government or the State Government declares a holiday over the radio, television or newspapers for educational institutions, on account of mourning, horal, disturbed conditions or any other circumstances, it will apply to the school also. Parents need not send their children to school on such days.


  • Bring the school handbook to school everyday.
  • Read the handbook carefully and abide by the norms furnished “Prayer is the Soul’s sincere desire”. Hence participate and attend the prayer conducted in the school, sincerely to improve a good state of mind and to possess a balanced temper.
  • Students shall display courtesy, good manners and proper form of respect to all teachers and other school authorities regardless of their designations / positions.
  • Be punctual to school by being present on the premises 5 minutes prior to the prayer bell.
  • Habitual late comers are liable for severe punishment.
  • It is a must to come to school in full uniform. Girls must have two plats with White ribbons. Fancy clips and hair bands are not allowed. Keep your nails clean and closely clipped. Boys must have short and neat hair cut.
  • Dyeing of hair is strictly prohibited.
  • The pupils themselves are responsible for the safe custody of all their belongings.
  • As a safety measure the students are advised not to wear any gold jewellery
  • No pupils should engage any of the school teachers for private tuitions in the school or elsewhere without the approval of the school authorities.
  • It is a must to converse in English within the school premises.
  • Silence and disciplined behavior must be observed wherever needed and whenever they are asked to do so.
  • Students are strictly warned against entering the laboratory and library without the presence of their respective teachers.
  • Students should not enter the office, Staff Room and the principal’s Room without permission.
  • The school will not take up the responsibility if any valuable article if lost by the child.
  • Success comes to those who persevere in their attempts. So make consistent efforts to study well and attend all exams without fail.
  • Scribbling on the walls damaging the school property is strictly forbidden.
  • Students should not leave the school premises during the class hours or lunch or at the interval times. Under essential and unavoidable circumstances, obtaining necessary permission from the class teacher / Principal is a must “A Sound mind in a Sound Body”. To maintain good health students are advised not to buy eatables from the roadside hawkers near the school.
  • Students suffering from any infectious or contagious diseases are strictly forbidden against attending their regular classes till the quarantine period is over. They have to produce a fitness certificate from a qualified doctor.
  • Healthy and Hygienic Snacks Cool Drinks, Tea & Coffee are available in the School Canteen during LUNCH BREAK and at 3.00 p.m.
  • Note: MALPRACTICE will be severely penalized with immediate T.C. and FINE.


  • All students are expected to attend the school regularly and punctually.
  • Every student is required to have and attendance of not less than 95% of the working days of the school.
  • No student shall absent himself/herself without obtaining proper permission to avail leave, In cases where prior permission is highly impossible a leave letter must be produced on the first day of the student's return to school.
  • A student who does not produce a leave letter form his or her parent/guardian will not be permitted to attend class.


  • Always to be in complete Uniform.
  • Never lower your dress standards, immodest clothing is prohibited in the school campus.
  • All the girls should wear white petticoats under their uniforms.
  • Girls with long hair must have their hair plaited and secured with white ribbons. Those with short hair are permitted to use head band.
  • Flowers on the head inside the school campus are not preferred.
  • Boys are not allowed to wear round neck T-shirt under their shirts only, white banians.
  • Pants are not to be stitched in bells and students are expected to stitch them in the model prescribed by the school.
  • Boys are expected to have their hair cut regularly.
  • Usage of gold and silver ornaments is strictly prohibit .
  • Avoid extremes in clothing, appearance and hair-style.
  • Uniforms must be regularly laundered. Shoes must polished and socks washed every day. Nails must be cut regularly.